Tuesday, 3 September 2019

The fallen of jungle King

The Fallen of Jungle King

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day today. Today’s topic is “The Fallen of Jungle King”. You must be wondering what the of the fallen of Jungle King, right. Every time in our modern day there will be even a kingdom will fall because of some irresponsible person. The kingdom that I talked about is habitat of our precious flora and fauna. Today, many species of flora and fauna went extinct or declared as endangered species including my country endemic fauna which is The Malayan Tiger.

Malayan Tiger
The Malayan tiger is a Panthera tigris tigris population in Peninsular Malaysia. This population inhabits the southern and central parts of the Malay Peninsula, and has been classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List in 2015. The population was roughly estimated at 250 to 340 adult individuals in 2013, and likely comprises less than 200 mature breeding individuals and has a declining trend. 
In the Malay language, the tiger is called harimau, also abbreviated to rimau. It is also known as the southern Indochinese tiger, to distinguish it from tiger populations in northern parts of Indochina which are genetically different to this population.

An adult Malayan tiger shows an individual behavior but can hunt in groups if necessary. It performs the same hunting style of other subspecies of tigers: it silently stalks the prey from a discreet distance, then approaches without making any noise and catches the animal. It can hold the prey with its front legs and bite its neck to kill it quickly.


Malayan tiger is a carnivore and an top predator in Malay Penisula. Malayan tigers prey on sambar deer, barking deer, wild boar, Borneon bearded pigs and serow. Malayan tigers also prey on sun bear, young elephants and rhino calves. They also prey on adult tapir.

Range habitat

This apex predator can be found in 4 state of Malaysia Peninsular such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and Johore

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