Friday, 6 September 2019

Tonic plants of Malaysian Herbal Heritage

Assalamualaikum and hello! I’m back with the last topic which is Tonic plant from Malaysia herbal heritage. Today I would like to share 3 more herbal that are being used in Malaysia herbal heritage. Hope its will be useful information to all of you. Let’s start our topic!


Roselle or Hibiscus subdariffa rottler, is an erect shrub that may grow up to 2.5 m. The stem is glabrous and purplish. It has two types of leaves which are the lower leaves are ovate while the upper ones are palmate with 3 to 5 lobes. The calyx becomes enlarged at maturity and the fruit is fleshy and red.

This plant is most probably of African origin but is now available pantropically. It is widely cultivated nowadays in Malaysia.

Roselle flower

Parts used
The parts are used including calyx, leaves, seed and also root. Roselle is very rich in vitamin C and believed to be able to reduce cholesterol level and high blood pressure.

The calyx
Ø Used as food colouring of the red colour of its
Ø Used as diuretic in a cordial
Ø Used to make wine or eaten fresh in salad

The leaves
Ø Used to treat cough
Ø Used for flavouring
Ø Can be applied externally on wound

Ø The entire plant including the root has tonic properties

There is commercial production of roselle in form of cordials, concentrates, canned drinks, jams and preserves.

Calyx-The sepals of a flower

Glabrous-Smooth surface or free from hair

Tunjuk Langit

Helminthostachys zeylanica, locally known as tunjuk langit, is an upright fern with stalked fronds looking like an upturned umbrella. It has short, underground, creeping rhizome bearing solitary and at times several fronds. The spore-bearing structure with with its own stalked emerges from the base of the pinnule or blade section of the fronds. The sporangia are arranged spike-like and point skywards, hence the name “tunjuk langit” (pointing skywards).
Tree  Pic of sporagia

                                                                             The sporagia

Range area 
It commonly found in damp, lightly-shaded places north of Peninsular Malaysia such as in rubble plantations.

Parts used
The parts that being used is entire plant including rhizome.

  • Used as tonic and eaten with betel for whooping cough
  • Help to treat fever
  • Take as stomach tonic
  • Act as an appetizer for infants
  • Affective in treating dysentery and phlegm due to swelling of the nose and throat membrane

The entire plant decoction
Applied on boils, ulcers and skin rashes

The leaf stalk is a source fibre for making handicraft or weaving

Dysentery- An infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the feces.

Phlegm-The thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages.


Tinospora crispa, locally known as patawali, is a woody climber that grow up to 15 m long. Its mature stems are very prominently tuberculate and produce long filiform aerial roots. The stem contains exceedingly bitter milky sap. It has broadly ovate to orbicular leaf with deeply to shallowly cordate base and long acuminate apex.

Its inflorescence appears when the plant is leafless. Patawali has very small flower with three pale green petals, growing 1 to 3 flowered fascicle on psuedo-raceme. The fruit is ellipsoidal and orange in colour.

Acuminate-Sharpen to a point

Range area
This plant can be found at waste ground and forest margins and is believed to be widespread. It is often seen cultivated by locals on house fences.

Parts used
The entire plants are being used including its stems.

Decoction of entire plant
Used as vermifuge to treat cholera and diabetes
Used as tonic drink to regulate urinary flow
Used externally for washing sore eyes, syphilitic sores and itchiness
Applied to treat scabies and to heal wound

Stem decoction
Used to treat tetanus, gastric, jaundice, malaria, rheumatic, kidney ailments and small pox.

Boil the stem (4” long) with two glasses of water until the decoction is reduced to the volume of a glass. Let it cool. Drink for 1 to 2 days to treat malaria.

Vermifuge-An anthelmintic medicine
Tetanus-A bacterial disease marked by rigidly and spasms of the voluntary muscles
Jaundice-A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin and typically caused by obstruction of bile duct, by liver disease or by excessive breakdown of red blood cells.
Rheumatic (Rheumatism)-Any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue.

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